Wellness Services
Wellness AIDS Services is located in Downtown Flint. It's a safe space where individuals and couples can get tested for HIV and STIs and get free condoms and lube.

LGBT Resource from the U.S. Center for Disease Control
The U.S. Center for Disease Control provides information and resources on some of the health issues and inequities affecting LGBT communities. Links to other information sources and resources are also provided, meant for the general public, health care providers, public health professionals, and public health students.

University of Michigan-Flint Center for Gender and Sexuality
The mission of the UM-Flint Center for Gender and Sexuality is to provide opportunities for all members of the UM-Flint community to explore, organize, and promote learning around issues of gender and sexuality.

Michigan Board of Education LGBTQ+ Policy
State Board of Education Statement and Guidance on Safe and Supportive Learning Environments for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Questioning (LGBTQ) Students.

How to Create an Equality Caucus at your School
This step-by-step guide can aid you in creating an Equality Caucus, or a Gay-Straight Alliance (GSA), at your school. Gay-Straight Alliances, or GSAs, are student-led and student-organized school clubs that aim to create a safe, welcoming, and accepting school environment for all youth, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity.

Contacting Elected Officials in the United States
We have provided a list of the current United States elected officials and their public contact information. Make your voice heard!

Contacting Elected Officials in the State of Michigan
We have provided a list of the current State of Michigan elected officials and their public contact information. Make your voice heard!

Contacting Local Elected Officials in Genesee County
We have provided a list of local Genesee County elected officials and their public contact information. Make your voice heard!
Guide to Contact Your Elected Officials
The goal of this citizen’s guide is to act as a reference and to provide specific information needed to get in touch with the right people at the right time within the State of Michigan government to make your voice heard.
Landlord & Tenants Guide - State of Michigan
This booklet is designed to inform tenants and landlords about their rights and responsibilities in rental relationships. It serves as a useful reference for housing law, sample agreements, timelines, court forms, and more.

How to File a Discrimination Complaint with the Michigan Department of Civil Rights
If you believe you have been the victim of unlawful discrimination within the past 180 days, you can file a complaint online or by calling 1-800-482-3604. Our step-by-step guide provides the knowledge and resources to help you.