There’s No Time Like Now
Let’s Be Honest
There are some things in life that won’t change.
There are others that take years of toil, struggle, blood, sweat, tears.
Above and beyond all of that, one fact remains: things change when you take action.
The Equality Caucus of Genesee County is a 501(c)(3) non-profit (filed-approval pending), making your donation tax-deductible by law. We are a 100% volunteer organization and your financial contribution provides us with the foundation to continue to push for positive LGBTQ+ change in our Genesee County communities. We receive no public funding and rely on donations to push our work forward. We are immensely grateful for your support.
There are numerous ways to volunteer your time and effort to help us reach our goals in the community! Email us to learn about our upcoming opportunities and greatest areas of need.
The Equality Caucus of Genesee County offers many high visibility options to showcase your facility, organization, and products/services. To view all options, review our one-pager here.
To email us directly to get involved, hit the button below.
After the 2016 mass shooting at Pulse nightclub in Orlando, the Pride Fund to End Gun Violence was formed as a Politcal Action Committe (PAC) that supports candidates that act on sensible gun policy reforms in addition to championing LGBTQ+ safety and equality. We have all been impacted by those who have been senselessly sacrificed to preventable gun violence, from churchgoers to students and their teachers, the mindset has horribly shifted from “if” to “when.”
The LGBTQ community and our allies stand together in the demand for action on commonsense gun reforms, having suffered more hate crimes than any other protected group. The Pride Fund turns our the pain and anger of our community into action toward achieving sensible gun reform in America.

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